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    The doctrine of the Sunnis and the Community..عقيدة أهل السنة والجماعة english

    ≈нιlαяч Dυff «~×●
    ≈нιlαяч Dυff «~×●
    عضو منور
    عضو منور


    تاريخ التسجيل : 18/04/2010
    عدد المساهمات : 64
    السٌّمعَة : 0
    اللون المفضل : فوشي & أسود
    الجنس : انثى

    خبر The doctrine of the Sunnis and the Community..عقيدة أهل السنة والجماعة english

    مُساهمة  ≈нιlαяч Dυff «~×● الخميس أبريل 22, 2010 4:44 am

    In the name of God the Merciful ..

    And prayers and peace be upon His Prophets and Messengers, Prophet Muhammad, prayers and best delivery has either .. yet.:

    The doctrine of the Sunnis and the Community


    Gun and the band are saved and the Victorious Sect, who told the Prophet that they are on their way and his companions without bias; understanding of the people of Islam followers of the Book and Sunnah, Majaenbaun ways the people of misguidance. He also said peace be upon him: "The Children of Israel separated into seventy-one task, and diverge on my seventy-three sects, all in the fire only" one said to him: What one? He said: "What I am today and my friends."
    Hasan hadeeth narrated by Tirmidhi and others.

    Has been named "People of the Year" for Asthompsakem and followers of the Prophet peace be upon him. And named the group; for saying peace be upon him one of the novels in the hadeeth quoted above: "They are the group". And because they met a group of Islam, which did not disperse on the right in religion, and followed the right approach imams did not get in any other matters of faith.
    They are people of impact or the people talk or the Victorious Sect, or the saved group.

    Assets of the doctrine of the Sunnis and the Community:

    ● are the origins of Islam, which is the doctrine of no difference in methods, therefore, rules and principles of Ahl al-Sunnah group in the area of receiving and reasoning are as follows:

    Creed is the source of the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger, peace be upon him and the consensus (*) ancestors.

    Everything contained in the Koran is prescribed for the Muslims and all that is true of the Sunnah of the Messenger (*) God's peace be upon him shall be accepted, although Ahada (*).

    Reference in understanding the Qur'aan and Sunnah texts is identified, and understanding of the righteous salaf who walks their approach.

    The fundamentals of Islam have all been among the Prophet peace be upon him no one under any guise, that nothing happens in religion (*), claiming he was from.

    Submission to God and His Messenger, peace be upon him outwardly and inwardly is not opposed to anything from the book or not measuring the correct year and taste detection (*) alleged no say and no leader Sheikh Mouhoum nor otherwise.

    Mind (*), an explicit OK to transfer the right not categorically opposed them and just when the conflict provides transport the mind.

    Obey verbal legitimacy in religion and avoid the heretical words.

    Fixed infallibility of the Prophet (*) God's peace be upon him, and the nation as a whole immune to the meeting on an error, but Ahadha not married to one of them, and the reference with the controversy over the Book and Sunnah with apologies to the wrong Mojtahedi of the nation.

    Good dreams right part of the prophecy (*) and heartfelt insight it right dignities (*) and subject to approval of the missionaries started but it is not a source of belief, or of legislation.

    Mirrors in debt (*) is blameworthy and the finest legitimate argument, may not engage in true forbidden from discussing it.

    Approach must be complied with (*) Revelation in reply, respond, not innovation (*) corresponds to a novelty, and exaggeration (*) Abandoning or vice versa.

    Updated every religion in the innovation and every innovation is misguidance and every misguidance in the fire.

    ● reunification scientific Belief:

    Origin in the names and attributes of God: proof was demonstrated by God for himself or proven by the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him with no representation (*); and conditioning (*); He denied denied by God himself or denied by the Prophet peace be upon him
    non-distortion (*) and disable (*), and the Almighty said: (is not nothing like Him, seeing and hearing) with the words faith meanings of texts, and demonstrated it.

    Belief in the Angels Dear all, As detailed, since the true directory of the names and attributes and their work is informed by the taxpayer.

    Belief in the Books revealed all, and that the Koran best, and Naschha, and that before there has been distortion of it, and that, therefore, must be followed without the old.

    Belief in God's prophets and messengers of God and prayers be upon them and they are better than others of human beings, it is alleged, has disbelieved in other (*).

    Belief in the interruption of Revelation (*) after Muhammad peace be upon him and that the seal of the prophets and messengers, and to think otherwise is kufr.

    Belief in the Last Day, and all that is true of the news, including signs and led by conditioning.

    The extent of faith, good and bad, from God the Almighty, that: the belief that God knows what is before it and wrote that in al, and that God was and did not want not, is not only what he wants, and God Almighty for everything
    Qadeer, Creator of all things, is effective for what you want.

    Faith in the sound evidence for it from superstition, and the Holy Kaerc, Paradise and Hell, and happiness and punishment of the grave, and the path and the balance, and others without interpretation (*) none of that.

    Faith in the intercession of the Prophet (*) peace be upon him and the intercession of the prophets and the angels, and the righteous, and other Day of Resurrection.
    , As described in the evidence is correct.

    The believers will see their Lord on the resurrection and the resurrection in Paradise, right, and denied he is biased or first stray, it will not happen to anyone in the world.

    Dignities (*) of the Patriarchs (*) and the righteous right, and not all is wondrous dignity, but may be solicitation.
    It may be the influence of demons and the wrongdoers, and the consent of the standard book of the year, or not.

    Believers all parents Rahman, every believer of the state as far as the faith.

    ● Tlbi voluntary unification (unification of divinity).

    One God and one, not a partner in Lordship and divinity, and His names and attributes of the Lord of the Worlds, due alone to all types of worship.

    Exchange some kinds of worship du'aa, and distress, and the use of, and omens, and slaughter, and trust, fear, hope, love, and the like because God is the biggest trap, whatever it was intended so, close the property, or sending a prophet, or a slave to be valid, or others.

    Assets of worship that God is worshiped with love and fear and hope all of us, and worship together without some astray.

    Delivery and satisfaction, and absolute obedience to God and His Messenger, peace be upon him and faith in God by faith provision of the Lord and God, there is no partner in his rule and command.

    And legislation, unless authorized by God, and resorting to the idol (*), and follow not the law of Muhammad peace be upon him and to replace any part of Kufr (*), and claimed that anyone afford derogation has disbelieved.

    Governance without what Allaah has revealed is major kufr, atheism has no infidelity.

    The first Ktjoiz rule without the law of God, or in preference to the rule of God, or equated with, or replace (ordinances) instead.

    The second reverse from the laws of God, in a particular incident with a commitment to the whim of the laws of God.

    To the fact that the division of religion is characterized by private and public law required without the special and separate politics from religion, or other (*) void; but all that goes against Shariah (*) from fact, policy or other, it is either Kafr (*), or astray,
    according to its degree.

    Did not know the unseen except Allah alone, and believing that no one but God knows the unseen Hamlet, with faith that God has seen some of the messengers on something unseen.

    Ratified astrologers believe (*) and priests (*) not augur well, and go to them Itianhm large (*).

    Means ordered in the Koran is about to worship God from the legitimate.

    And by putting in three types:

    1 Draft: This is begging to God, through His names and attributes, or the operation of the benefit of petitioner, or the prayer of good neighborhood.

    2 heterodox: a pleading to God what is not in Islam, Kaltosl Bzut prophets, righteous, or fame, or the right, or denied them, and so on.

    3 Sharkey: He is taking the dead and the media in worship, and they pray and request objects in them and use them and so on.

    Blessings of God Almighty, is concerned with some of His creation as He wills, then it proves nothing but the evidence.
    It means many good and increase, or proven deems necessary.

    The blessing from Altokivip things, they may be blessed except as stated in the Guide.

    The actions of people at graves and had three types:

    1 Draft: a visit graves; to remember the Hereafter, and for peace to her family, and pray for them.

    2 heterodox contrary to Tawheed, which is a means of entanglement, an order to worship God and closer to when the graves, or in order to be blessed, or give the reward, he said, and building on them, and Tjsisa and Isirajha, and take them as mosques, and screwed traveled to it, and so on, which proved
    forbidden, or which has no basis in Islam.

    3 Sharkey is contrary to unification, the exchange rate is something of worship to his grave, Kdaih without God, and the use of, seeking his help, and circling, slaughter, and vows it, and so on.

    It means the rule of purposes, all as a pretext to shirk in the worship of God or innovation in religion must be bridged, all updated in religion heresy (*).
    And every innovation is misguidance.

    ● Faith:

    Faith say, and work more, and decreases, it is: Say the heart and tongue, and the work of the heart and tongue and prey. Stop the heart: his belief and believe him, and telling the tongue: adoption.
    And the work of the heart: his extradition and his devotion, and bending, and the will to love and good works.

    The physical action: do Almomurat, leaving the forbidden things.

    The perpetrator of the large (*) does not come from faith, a believer in this world is lacking in faith, and in the Hereafter, under the will of God that will forgive him, and if willing, wills, and monotheists all destiny to heaven but tortured them tortured with fire, and one of them will abide by the cat.

    May not be cutting certain people kiss heaven or hell only proven in the text in the right.

    Disbelief (*) of the terms legitimacy to it two types: the greatest director of the sect, and the youngest is a way out of the religion and sometimes called an infidel practice.

    Atonement (*) from legal provisions that are due to the Qur'aan and Sunnah, it may be atoning Muslim word or act, unless the legitimate user, it is not necessary to launch the rule of kufr to say or do prove positive in the right of the designated only if the conditions and prohibitions preclude .
    And atonement of the most dangerous provisions must be verified and caution of expiate Muslims and scholars versed in the review that.

    ● Koran and the words:

    Holy Word of God (letters and meanings) The house is not a creature; he had started; and is the reason, a prodigious D came on the sincerity of the peace be upon him.
    Mahfouz to the Day of Resurrection.


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